Channel: Discussion on The difference between secrecy and privacy as security concepts
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not quite, Perrin

Privacy, security and secrecy are different, but connected. You can't have security without both privacy and secrecy.But, as you note, some privacy haters store information for the sake of what they...

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Three can keep a secret if two are dead.

Secrecy1. The quality or condition of being secret or hidden; concealment.2. The ability or habit of keeping secrets; closeness.Secret1. Something kept hidden from others or known only to oneself or to...

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In general, I agree with what you say here, but I have one problem with it:> You can't have security without both privacy and secrecy.So you say, but you offer no argument or evidence. Why can't you...

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I disagree.

> The "Key" must be kept secret No -- the key must be kept private. Secrecy involves a limit on what others may do; privacy involves care in what you do. When you start storing stuff in databases...

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the subtle and not so subtle differences...intention

As a Scientologist and follower of alternative media, I have a bit of an odd-ball take on this whole subject. Here's an example of something you expect to be private: a love letter. Here's an example...

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That last of yours was a pretty decent, albeit quick, treatment of privacy, secrecy, and security. I was looking -- excuse me, trolling for it -- in the original piece. The simplicity of the notion was...

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Take "intent" with...

And shove it.You assume the nature of both without benefit of either credible insight or established evidentiary process.Makes you a danger to all._________Am I the only freaking poster on this planet...

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He means

"Why y'all should be blasted into space - We have the technology, you know"-Lose the quotes, they're bubonic. Amputate and cauterize - no helping it for now.

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Factually wrong

"Such legalities have been used to return copyright law more forcefully to its roots in eighteenth century England as a system of censorship."This statment is factually not true. The first copyright...

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"Red Side" access

Much discussion has been made of keeping the key secret, but if one has access to both the encrypted and decrypted versions of "secrets", it becomes much easier to crack the encryption system. Not only...

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Factually accurate, mostly

Perhaps the author thinks that the copyright laws of the past 20 years have their roots in the use of the copyright laws which predated the Statute of Anne. For example, the monopoly on printing...

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The article's intended reference was not to the Statute of Anne, but to the Licensing of the Press Act of 1662, as bblackmoore pointed out. The reference to the eighteenth century was an error.

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thanks for the correction

When typing the article, I made the mistake of drawing the era from memory, and entered "eighteenth" when it should have said "seventeenth". I have edited the article to reflect the correct century....

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Bunged up quotes

Conspiracy theorists are fundamentally a unity of zero elements. Besides most of the so called conspiracy theorists are part of the conspiracy themselves. (to make a profit from bogus information)They...

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breeds bad habits. Trusting in secrecy leads to poor security in many ways.If the vault can only be accessed by the authorized (if they have the code, they must be authorized, right?) then there's no...

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Splitting irrelevant hairs

Arguing over whether either privacy or secrecy is prefered over the other is irrelevant and a waste.How about we condense this to your statement "... In short, once distribution is widespread enough...

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Security Is To A Government What Privacy Is To An Indivdual

There is a fundamental flaw in your argument. Despite what some idealists, including yourself, seem to think, a government cannot function without some secrecy. You take as an axiom that people need to...

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